Tuesday, March 11, 2014

How to create VAT Ledger in Tally

How to create VAT Ledger in Tally?

Normally you will be create Four Type of Ledgers for VAT Transactions.

Purchase Ledgers
Sales Ledgers
Input VAT Ledgers
Output VAT Ledgers

Create Purchase Ledgers: Purchase Leger creation is based on your company requirements. For Example, if your company purchased material 5% VAT and 14.5% VAT, then you will be create two types of Purchase Ledgers. (i.e: Purchases 5% & Purchases 14.5%).

Gateway of Tally >
 Accounts Info. > Ledgers > Create

> Enter Ledger Name as
 Purchases 5%
> In the Under field, select
 Purchase Accounts from the List of Groups.
> Set the field Used in VAT Returns to
> From the VAT/TAX Class, Select
> Press Ctrl+A, to save the Ledger.

In the same way create another Ledger Purchase 14.5%

Create Sales Ledgers: Sales Leger creation is based on your company requirements. For Example, if your company sale Goods  5% VAT and 14.5% VAT, then you will be create two Sales Ledgers. (i.e: Sales 5% & Sales 14.5%)

Gateway of Tally 
> Accounts Info. > Ledgers > Create

> Enter Ledger Name as 
Sales 5%
> In the Under field, select 
Sales Accounts from the List of Groups.
> Set the field Used in VAT Returns to 
> From the VAT/TAX Class, Select 
> Press Ctrl+A, to save the Ledger. 

In the same way create another Ledger Sales 14.5%

Create Input VAT Ledgers: In the above example, your have Purchased two VAT Rates Purchases, i.e, Purchases 5% & Purchases 14.5%, So, create Two Input VAT Ledgers.

1) Input VAT 5%
2) Input VAT 14.5%
Gateway of Tally > 
Accounts Info > Ledgers > Create

> Enter Ledger Name as 
Input VAT 5%
> In the Under field, Select 
Duties & Taxes 
> In the Type of Duty/Tax filed, Select 
> In the VAT Sub Type field, Select 
Input VAT
> In the VAT/TAX Class filed, Select 
Input VAT @ 5%
> In the Rounding Method filed, Select 
Not Applicable
> Press Ctrl+A, to save the Ledger.

In the same way create another Ledger Input VAT 14.5%

Create Output VAT Ledgers: In the above example, your have Sales two VAT Rates Sales, i.e, Sales 5% & Sales 14.5%, So, create Output VAT Ledgers.

1) Output VAT 5%
2) Output VAT 14.5%
Gateway of Tally > 
Accounts Info > Ledgers > Create

> Enter Ledger Name as 
Output VAT 5%
> In the Under field, Select 
Duties & Taxes 
> In the Type of Duty/Tax filed, Select 
> In the VAT Sub Type field, Select 
Output VAT
> In the VAT/TAX Class filed, Select 
Output VAT @ 5%
> In the Rounding Method filed, Select 
Not Applicable
> Press Ctrl+A, to save the Ledger.

In the same way create another Ledger Output VAT 14.5%